Nail Artists On Instagram To Inspire Your Manicures

Hello everyone. As you may have noticed we’ve been a bit more active on our Instagram account of late. Be sure to follow us there because we’ll shortly be uploading tutorials, on skincare, pedicures, massage techniques, as well as keeping you up to date with all the upcoming training courses.

Our one day manicure training course will include both practical and online theory modules. After you have completed the course at Cambridgeshire Beauty Academy you will graduate with an accredited Guild Diploma.

To get you in the mood we’ve included some other instagram accounts you might be interested in. These are Nail Artists that will help inspire you to create and be imaginative with your own manicures. If you click on their image it will take you to their Instagram page.

Whether you’re a fully trained manicurist or a beginner looking to receive the best guidance possible, everyone is welcome to join the training course at Cambridgeshire Beauty Academy. Don’t forget we have moved! We are now located in Ellington, Huntingdon.

If you have any other Nail Artists that you think we should include in this blog, leave a comment below with their Instagram handle and we’ll check them out.

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