We are delighted to announce that Shirley Kreckeler will be at Cambridgeshire Beauty Academy in April to teach our Foot Reflexology Course.
Shirley is fully qualified in and practices a wide range of Holistic Therapies.
What is Holistic Therapies?
Holistic therapy refers to a school of thought in therapy that attempts to address an individual as a whole person, body, mind, spirit, and emotions in the quest for optimal health and wellness.
Sounds very new world right? The primary objective of holistic therapy is to gain the ultimate balance in life. As each of our bodies and minds are different, it requires the demands of a fully skilled tutor to attend to the individuals needs.

Reflexology expert Shirley Kreckeler is also a Reiki Master Teacher with 20 years experience as a practitioner and we are very excited that she will be joining our team at Cambridgeshire Beauty Academy.
What’s involved with a foot reflexology course?
Reflexology is a very effective form of foot massage. It is said that all reflex points on the soles of the feet correspond to each body organ in the entire human body.
When you have successfully completed your Foot Reflexology Course you will receive an accredited diploma. All, our courses are accredited by The Beauty Guild of beauty therapists.
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